Forty-four years of global entertainment and sports marketing experience as a senior corporate officer and consultant
- Twenty year career with British American Tobacco. Global sponsorship director accountable for $100M+ annual central brand sponsorship budget plus authoring sponsorship marketing best practices for 180+ operating companies
- Twenty-four years with GMP leading projects for corporations such as BMW AG (based in Munich), DuPont, General Mills, ING Lenovo, LG Electronics, Mazda, Nissan, UBS and UPS to name a few
Tom is recognized globally as a leading expert in sponsorship marketing. He has also acted as a Sponsorship Expert for McKinsey & Company and for the United States District Attorney validating United States Postal Services damages a result of association with Lance Armstrong.

An attorney by qualification with over thirty years of experience in sponsorship marketing. Roger has assumed senior executive and / or ownership roles in a broad range of sports and entertainment fields, including:
- Formula 1/ IndyCar/ Sports Car/ Touring Car
- Music/ Concerts/ Performing Arts
- Golf
- Tennis
Roger also established Performance Communications Group which has grown to become the leading independent motorsports and action sports television distribution company in the Americas. Roger has an outstanding knowledge of, and experience in, virtually every facet of sponsorship marketing globally both from a corporate and property standpoint.